Durante i 25 anni di carriera, Matt Piché é stato premiato 11 volte per scenografia, oggettistica di scena e direzione artistica
to date:
- Best Set Design ~ Hello Dolly! - Mississauga Encore Series
- Best Set-Dressing ~ Hello Dolly! - Mississauga Encore Series
- Best Set Design ~ The Gondoliers - Mississauga Encore Series
- Best Specialty Prop ~ Guys & Dolls - Mississauga Encore Series
- Best Set ~ H.M.S Pinafore - Thea Award by ACTCO
- Best Debut ~ H.M.S Pinafore - Thea Award by ACTCO
- Best Set Design ~ H.M.S Pinafore - Mississauga Encore Series
- 'Theater Design Excellence Award' - Cawthra Park Performing Arts Center
- Award of Excellence in Set Design ~ Ulterior Design - Sears Theater Festival
- Award of Excellence in Set Design ~ Ulterior Design - Sears Regional Theater Festival
- Award of Theater Excellence ~ 'Dentity Crisis' - Sears Regional Theater Festival